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To be a master at something

They say that to be good at something you must spend 3 hours a day everyday for ten years practicing until you mastered the concept by heart.

Why is it so hard? I suppose to make it less harder and more enjoyable there should be a reward for completing each task. People wouldn’t normally perform a hard task endlessly unless there is a reward at the end of the road right?

Some ridiculous examples :

Iron fist water slapping : Why do we do this? It makes no sense but the main goal is to build discipline to make our hands toughen over time. What’s the reward? Gaining that new skill set and building destructive palms.

Reading a book : Why do we do this? Nobody knows only god knows!

Reviewing for a quiz:  Can be accomplished by taking a practice quiz and looking up the answers to the problems you got wrong. Repetition works best until your brain is fried. Then reward yourself with some ice cream and get back to your other trainings.

So what is the reward for completing these complicating arduous task? Your reward is ice cream. Just remember, there is ice cream at the end of the road, enough for you to spend 10,000 hours on performing the same old task over and over again.


In conclusion I leave you with this image. Why did i get a 60% on this quiz even though I spent so much time studying? Nobody knows, only god knows! I’m assuming I don’t get any ice cream then :(.

micrio quiz


Photo credits : Google images